George Stroubakis (Edit profile)

Education: BA Translation (Concordia, 2006), BA Philosophy (Waterloo, 2011), MA Philosophy (2022), PhD (ongoing) George's interests include the philosophy of science, and metaphysical and epistemological issues as exemplified in quantum physics. He is a strong proponent of public philosophy and outreach. George reflects upon the philosophical method and how it has evolved over the years.

he modern Western narrative would have us believe that freedom of thought and expression are ideals that are the envy of those living under authoritarian rule. While these ideals are indeed taken seriously in many spheres of life, the West has a [...]

he modern Western narrative would have us believe that freedom of thought and expression are ideals that are the envy of those living under authoritarian rule. While these ideals are indeed taken seriously in many spheres of life, the West has a [...]