Knight, Michael Muhammad. The Supreme Wisdom Lessons: A Scripture of American Islam. Sheffield and Bristol: Equinox, 2024. Hardcover. List Price: $92.83. In a Muslim world marred by mediocrity, rumination, and regurgitation, Michael Muhammad [...]

Knight, Michael Muhammad. The Supreme Wisdom Lessons: A Scripture of American Islam. Sheffield and Bristol: Equinox, 2024. Hardcover. List Price: $92.83. In a Muslim world marred by mediocrity, rumination, and regurgitation, Michael Muhammad [...]

Knight, Michael Muhammad. The Supreme Wisdom Lessons: A Scripture of American Islam. Sheffield and Bristol: Equinox, 2024. Hardcover. List Price: $92.83. In a Muslim world marred by mediocrity, rumination, and regurgitation, Michael Muhammad [...]